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Indian Independence Day 2024 - Tools, Updates and More!

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15/08/2024 - India celebrates its 78th anniversary of independence Our dev team, alongside a good amount of our players celebrate today as well. To honor such special day, Will of Steel has organized a new update with tons of giveaways as well!

Many of you suggested that the attack mechanism has become simpler or easier to think about rather than what it should be. Therefore we are introducing Tools! as a way to add more complexity and more fun to the game.

Tools are divided in two big groups:

  • 1. Siege tools These tools give a significant attack bonus for your armies. Each tool requires a specific amount of gold and silver as well as about 1 hour to craft. You can select the yes option on the tools: tag the next time you attack, in order to show up the tools menu. Afterwards in the drop-down menu select all of the tools that you want to send to attack.

  • 2. Defense tools These tools give a significant defense bonus for your troops. You can setup your defense by using /set command.

To view all the tools and their bonuses use /production.

๐Ÿค Help and aid!

Alliance owners can aid their users now with resources from the alliance treasure. You can use /aid command to do so. Keep in mind that it has a cooldown, and in order to lower it you have to upgrade this in /bank upgrade menu.

Each upgrade reduces the aid cooldown by 1 day, which starts with 6 days.

๐Ÿ› Bug fixes!

Some terrible bugs that have been annoying since the last updates have already been fixed. You can now send goods and troops between outposts, and check your movement menu entirely with a summarized view alongside other small improvements.

Get ready a for a ton of ๐ŸŽ Giveaways until the end of the week. We will be spoiling every single member of this server with tons of free stuff. So don't forget to invite your friends so they can win as well.

**Happy Indian Independence day! ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ **