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๐Ÿ‚ OCTOBER UPDATE IS LIVE - Hospitals & Hall of Legends!

ยท 2 min read

We come with 2 NEW buildings, better help command and rewards.

Now every time you attack, you have a chance to heal some of your troops. For every attack, a portion of your troops are dead, instead wounded and so you can heal them by running /hospital with two different methods, either a surgical treatment which will heal them right away and they will be available for war again or with medkits, which will take 1/10 of the time it takes for them to recruit. You can build and upgrade this building on /construct and /upgrade.

  • Surgical treatment costs 350 rubies
  • Medkits cost 200 rubies and 1/10 of the time it takes to recruit them.


Hall of Legends is the NEXT building. It allows you to upgrade your troops, which gives them certain bonuses (you will find out yourself) where some may be buffs and some may be a nerf. It requires a certain amount of silver to upgrade your troops each level, and you can do so by clicking the buttons in /hol. To access that command you need to build /hol using /upgrade and you can view its cost in /construct. You cannot upgrade Hall of Legends yet (as of now ....).


Every user that votes, now is going to surely win rubies and UP to 1000 of them.


Help command changed, making it much more helpful considering the following updates. It includes more detailed explanations, links to forums and more sources of information regarding the bot. You may always refer new players to help now, since it's more useful now.

Huge thanks for your patience and feedback from the Dev Team. Kiss kiss โค๏ธ