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NPC Damage Equation Hunt over!

ยท 3 min read
Professional WoS News Reporter
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Will of Steel
The Community
Certified Child & Neil's Friend

Thanks to Liam, we now have a mathematical equation to help us know which NPC level will do how much damage.

Liam and Comzo have been working on this for a while now, and we are happy to announce that the quest is now complete. This is one of the quests/hunts I've been most excited to work on, from the start till now. I found interesting ways to challenge them both and they've done it.

I really can not express the joy and appreciation I have. It's quite cool.

I'm sure you're excited to see the equation, so here it is:

f(x)=1.15xโˆ’1ร—200 f(x) = 1.15^{x - 1} \times 200

Where x is the NPC level and solution of f(x) is the damage the NPC will do. This is really the biggest event that has ever happened yet in Will of Steel. Even if it wasn't an official one.

Click here to Visit their Forum postโ€‹

Some words from the finders:โ€‹


Hello it's me Liam. I was the most happy to work on this with cozmo. We had ALOT of fun with this. I can't wait for any hunts or events Neil will host later on.

I would like to say, please take the first hints if you get any and act on them. My only regret was that my original equation was 0.05 off by the actual equation and it took me 4 months to find out. But this was more fun anyway


I just wanna say thank you to the devs, Neil and Dust for the amount of effort they put into this quest. Made it awesome and a fun thing to think about whenever I'm bored. Liam is covered pretty much everything till now, his forum post is quite a big one.

(Written by ItsNeil according to the instructions provided by CozmoKitten)

Congratulations, from all of us!โ€‹


This is great work by Liam, Cozmo and all the other contributers to this. This is the community I've wanted, can't wait for it to grow!

Organizing this event was one of the most exciting and interesting things I've ever done. I had to find interesting ways to make sure it's not that easy for them. They're cool and smart people


This is probably one of the best if not the best written post on the forms, props to Liam for spending so long working on this. Congratulations Liam, cool stuff


I always heard Neil talking about this quest. Spending 5 months on a quest is crazy to me. Liam and CozmoKitten seem like smart people :)

--- Want to thank or congratulate them message here? Message us what you want to add on Discord and we'll do it!