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You will start an unforgettable experience.

· One min read

Welcome aboard!

Thinking of a great game inside boundaries of Discord, not many names come in top of your mind. Now to think of a great strategy game almost nothing comes in mind...

Will of Steel™️ (WoS) is indeed the outstanding strategy game inside Discord. It lets you create feared armies with CRAZY troops and astonishing power. Forge great bonds with people and run your own alliances! Conquer the battlefield and show everyone what you are capable of in this complex, yet fun, Discord Bot!

Setting in the medieval times, you are ought to have the best empire of anyone. Your army must not fail you, while you keep your economics tight and right to expand with all of your buildings to the best extent. Having an extra sword in wars is necessary so make sure to call your friends and get them in to help you. A game of patience, mind and above all, a unique one!

Start playing Will of Steel now! Invite the bot to your server and start playing! Learn how to play by clicking here