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๐Ÿ‚ OCTOBER UPDATE IS LIVE - Hospitals & Hall of Legends!

ยท 2 min read

We come with 2 NEW buildings, better help command and rewards.

Now every time you attack, you have a chance to heal some of your troops. For every attack, a portion of your troops are dead, instead wounded and so you can heal them by running /hospital with two different methods, either a surgical treatment which will heal them right away and they will be available for war again or with medkits, which will take 1/10 of the time it takes for them to recruit. You can build and upgrade this building on /construct and /upgrade.

  • Surgical treatment costs 350 rubies
  • Medkits cost 200 rubies and 1/10 of the time it takes to recruit them.


Hall of Legends is the NEXT building. It allows you to upgrade your troops, which gives them certain bonuses (you will find out yourself) where some may be buffs and some may be a nerf. It requires a certain amount of silver to upgrade your troops each level, and you can do so by clicking the buttons in /hol. To access that command you need to build /hol using /upgrade and you can view its cost in /construct. You cannot upgrade Hall of Legends yet (as of now ....).


Every user that votes, now is going to surely win rubies and UP to 1000 of them.


Help command changed, making it much more helpful considering the following updates. It includes more detailed explanations, links to forums and more sources of information regarding the bot. You may always refer new players to help now, since it's more useful now.

Huge thanks for your patience and feedback from the Dev Team. Kiss kiss โค๏ธ

What do we do?

ยท 2 min read

You may have wondered, what do we do except building Will of Steel? Well, we do a lot of things!


This blog post may sound like a PR/promotional post, but it's not, believe me

Tools we useโ€‹

  • Docker: We use Docker to containerize our applications. This allows us to run our applications in a consistent environment, regardless of the underlying system.
  • Puffin Panel: This is our custom admin panel that acts as an orchestrator as well as a monitoring tool for our game servers.
  • Vite: We use Vite as our frontend build tool.
  • Godot: We use Godot for our game development. The upcoming Will of Steel Game is built on GoDot.

Our servicesโ€‹

We provide a variety of services, free and paid. Here are some of them:

  • Will of Steel Bot: As everyone here knows, we provide a free discord bot that helps you manage your discord server. You can invite the bot here.
  • Docker Registry: We host a public docker registry for our users to use here. We also host a private docker registry
  • Puffin Panel: We provide a paid version of our Puffin Panel for users who want to host their own game servers. We are in a partnership with Blockoase, a minecraft network that uses Puffin Panel.

Why not Opensource?โ€‹

It's true that we don't work on open source projects, but it's not because we don't want to. We try to opensource every project we think people would benefit from. However, we have to keep some of our projects closed source due to the nature of our business.

You wouldn't expect us to opensource our game, would you? ๐Ÿ˜„

If you have a good idea for an open source project, feel free to reach out to us. We would love to work on it with you! You can email me at, or join our discord server here. I would be more than happy to work on it.

Indian Independence Day 2024 - Tools, Updates and More!

ยท 2 min read

15/08/2024 - India celebrates its 78th anniversary of independence Our dev team, alongside a good amount of our players celebrate today as well. To honor such special day, Will of Steel has organized a new update with tons of giveaways as well!

Many of you suggested that the attack mechanism has become simpler or easier to think about rather than what it should be. Therefore we are introducing Tools! as a way to add more complexity and more fun to the game.

Tools are divided in two big groups:

  • 1. Siege tools These tools give a significant attack bonus for your armies. Each tool requires a specific amount of gold and silver as well as about 1 hour to craft. You can select the yes option on the tools: tag the next time you attack, in order to show up the tools menu. Afterwards in the drop-down menu select all of the tools that you want to send to attack.

  • 2. Defense tools These tools give a significant defense bonus for your troops. You can setup your defense by using /set command.

To view all the tools and their bonuses use /production.

๐Ÿค Help and aid!

Alliance owners can aid their users now with resources from the alliance treasure. You can use /aid command to do so. Keep in mind that it has a cooldown, and in order to lower it you have to upgrade this in /bank upgrade menu.

Each upgrade reduces the aid cooldown by 1 day, which starts with 6 days.

๐Ÿ› Bug fixes!

Some terrible bugs that have been annoying since the last updates have already been fixed. You can now send goods and troops between outposts, and check your movement menu entirely with a summarized view alongside other small improvements.

Get ready a for a ton of ๐ŸŽ Giveaways until the end of the week. We will be spoiling every single member of this server with tons of free stuff. So don't forget to invite your friends so they can win as well.

**Happy Indian Independence day! ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ **

Outposts, Presets and IMPROVED Sending!

ยท 3 min read

Ever wanted to expand your castle? We've got your back with our newest feature, Outposts!

๐Ÿ‘€ What is a outpost?โ€‹

Outposts are a simpler version of your Castle, which allow you to improve your Castle even more! They have their own Farmhouses, Bakeries and Storehouses to help you with Food Production!

Before you start capturing Outposts, you should know that there are only 15 Outposts available GLOBALLY. That's a low number, so you might have to fight for claiming Outposts! One player can only capture 3 Outposts.

โ” How do I...โ€‹

  • Claim an outpost using the /capture command
  • Transfer Food & Troops between your Outpost and Castle using /transfer
  • Switch to your Outpost or Castle using the /switch command (commands such as /treasure will now provide information about your Outpost, not your castle)

๐Ÿž Food Production in Outpostsโ€‹

Food Production works the same in Outposts as in your Castles, any troops that are defending your Outposts from attackers require Food, which can be either transferred from your Castle or produced inside of the Outpost itself.

  • Any excess food that your troops don't require can be transferred to your Castle to use.
  • Switch to your Outpost and run the /transfer command to transfer resources from your Outpost to your Castle.
  • Upgrade buildings on your Outpost using /upgrade

๐Ÿƒ Presets

Have you ever been annoyed that you need to enter an amount of troop for every attack you do? Worry no more, we got your back with Presets!

โ” Cool, but how do I use it?โ€‹

  • Commander: Select a commander for this preset!
  • Commands: Select which commands this preset should apply to!
  • Troops: Select your army for this preset
  • Edit Name: Ofcourse, you can edit the name here! what else would we do

We've got really cool menus for you to use in Presets this time, we've spent so much time perfecting them!

Finally, send GOLD!

If one of your friends is in some trouble and needs some quick gold, you can now send it to them!

Run /send along with filling the gold option. BE WARE that you need to send some troops with it aswell! Just enter the gold without entering any troops & the bot will tell you how many to send for each troop type!

๐Ÿ‘Ÿ View your Queues!

Ever wondering what you've started a recruitment for, what troops are being sent to your friends? Now you can know!

Run the /movement command and look at all the movement happening around your Castle!


  • NPCs now show lost troops on Battle Reports.
  • Units are now sorted using the attack -> defence method instead of alphabetically

We've got more updates for you this month, so be prepared with your Troops!

Our commitment to transparency at Will of Steel

ยท One min read

At Will of Steel, we like to be as transparent as possible with our community. We believe that transparency is key to building trust and maintaining a healthy relationship with our players. We want to make sure that you know what we are working on, what changes we are making, and why we are making them.

Over the past few months, we have released many methods for us to show you all what we are working on. This is just a post to compile and list all of those methods.

A Staff Diary thread was created on our Forums to share updates about the Will of Steel API to our fellow Developers. You can view it here

We have released TWO GitHub Projects to share upcoming features, backlog, etc about our API & App:

We have also provided our community with a email regarding any information inquiries:

A list of all of our official websites:

NPC Damage Equation Hunt over!

ยท 3 min read
Professional WoS News Reporter
Guest Author
Will of Steel
The Community
Certified Child & Neil's Friend

Thanks to Liam, we now have a mathematical equation to help us know which NPC level will do how much damage.

Liam and Comzo have been working on this for a while now, and we are happy to announce that the quest is now complete. This is one of the quests/hunts I've been most excited to work on, from the start till now. I found interesting ways to challenge them both and they've done it.

I really can not express the joy and appreciation I have. It's quite cool.

I'm sure you're excited to see the equation, so here it is:

f(x)=1.15xโˆ’1ร—200 f(x) = 1.15^{x - 1} \times 200

Where x is the NPC level and solution of f(x) is the damage the NPC will do. This is really the biggest event that has ever happened yet in Will of Steel. Even if it wasn't an official one.

Click here to Visit their Forum postโ€‹

Some words from the finders:โ€‹


Hello it's me Liam. I was the most happy to work on this with cozmo. We had ALOT of fun with this. I can't wait for any hunts or events Neil will host later on.

I would like to say, please take the first hints if you get any and act on them. My only regret was that my original equation was 0.05 off by the actual equation and it took me 4 months to find out. But this was more fun anyway


I just wanna say thank you to the devs, Neil and Dust for the amount of effort they put into this quest. Made it awesome and a fun thing to think about whenever I'm bored. Liam is covered pretty much everything till now, his forum post is quite a big one.

(Written by ItsNeil according to the instructions provided by CozmoKitten)

Congratulations, from all of us!โ€‹


This is great work by Liam, Cozmo and all the other contributers to this. This is the community I've wanted, can't wait for it to grow!

Organizing this event was one of the most exciting and interesting things I've ever done. I had to find interesting ways to make sure it's not that easy for them. They're cool and smart people


This is probably one of the best if not the best written post on the forms, props to Liam for spending so long working on this. Congratulations Liam, cool stuff


I always heard Neil talking about this quest. Spending 5 months on a quest is crazy to me. Liam and CozmoKitten seem like smart people :)

--- Want to thank or congratulate them message here? Message us what you want to add on Discord and we'll do it!

How we created Will of Steel

ยท 5 min read

About usโ€‹

Before we tell you about the making of Will of Steel, let's introduce ourselves!


I am Neil, a software engineer with a passion for gaming. I have been working on Discord bots for a while now and when Dust reached out to me, I was super excited to work on this project.

At that time, I was getting into strategy games, a famous game "Age of Empires II". It looked like a 20s game (it was released in 1999).

If you've looked at any of the announcements, you'd probably have seen me by now. I'm the one who's been working on the backend of the bot, making sure everything runs smoothly. Meanwhile, dust does all the frontend and design of the bot.


Hello, hello, I'm the Fabolous Dust (intentionally misspelled) or you can just call me Dust. I've been a bit of a fan of Discord Bots and I tried to make my own strategy game in the form of a bot back in 2020 or something (which I miserably failed).

Since I was no good to do this alone, I thought of giving up. Until I contacted this intelligent man called Neil. We've been going pretty rock solid on the game and can say that this is the best (and most underrated the moment I'm writing this) game on entirety of Discord Bots Library.

I am usually doing the outside look of the bot and you can see me on the community server throwing rubies and stuff for free.

What do we do?โ€‹

We work on Will of Steel (obviously ๐Ÿ˜‚). I do all the backend/programming and system administration to make sure Will of Steel is online for you all to play!

Meanwhile, Dust does all the frontend, design and the brain-work of thinking of new features and improvements for the bot. (I also do that but Dust is the main one ๐Ÿ˜‚).

If you've ever used the bot, you've probably interacted with one of Dust's embed, image, and EVERYTHING!

How we created Will of Steelโ€‹

Now let's get into the making of Will of Steel!


Dust first reached out to me about this crazy idea of a strategy game inside Discord on 06/04/2023. We chatted for a bit and then he explained the whole idea about the bot to me.

We had the first prototype of the bot ready by 07/10/2023. Will of Steelโ„ข๏ธ was released to the public on 07/19/2023.


Development from then on was super fast. We had a TON of plans for the bot, so there was always something I wanted to do.

We released our first "update" on 08/06/2023. Almost a month after our release, this update introduced Alliances!

About 11 days after that, we hosted our first Event for India's Independence Day.

We released 3 updates in the span of 1 Month (September).

Update Cycleโ€‹

We never had a update cycle, we didn't have a day of each monh that we'd have to release update. We focus on quality more than quantity.

We've always been working hard trying to provide the best update for you guys. Nowadays, we're revisting old featuers to update & give our users a fresh look of every feature.

With that said, that doesn't mean we'll ignore updating the bot for months and saying "We're focusing on quality over quantity". We don't want to become Geometry Dash.

How do we do updates now?โ€‹

This is how we do updates now:

  1. We plan the update very cautiously. We think of everything that the user may want to do with the feature we're adding. Once we're done planning an update, we add it to our BackLog.

  2. Development Begins, usually takes a week for bigger updates, a day for smaller updates (I barely get sleep during this time ๐Ÿ˜‚, seriously.)

  3. By this time, I've handed over the work to Dust to implement the frontend (through GitHub).

  4. Once Dust is done adding all the Frontend & Images, we vigorously test the features added, and perform a Quality Check on the update.

  5. Everything is done! This is the fun part, now, we release this update to you guys!

A downtime is planned for the release on our backend systems so that the Status Page automatically updates, I also let you guys know in the status channel once it's started.

Once we begin the update, we perform any database changes required, turn on the bot & announce the update!


First of all, thank you for reading the whole blog post. If you've still got some questions that you'd like answered, let us know by DMing any one of us on Discord or emailing us at

You will start an unforgettable experience.

ยท One min read

Welcome aboard!โ€‹

Thinking of a great game inside boundaries of Discord, not many names come in top of your mind. Now to think of a great strategy game almost nothing comes in mind...

Will of Steelโ„ข๏ธ (WoS) is indeed the outstanding strategy game inside Discord. It lets you create feared armies with CRAZY troops and astonishing power. Forge great bonds with people and run your own alliances! Conquer the battlefield and show everyone what you are capable of in this complex, yet fun, Discord Bot!

Setting in the medieval times, you are ought to have the best empire of anyone. Your army must not fail you, while you keep your economics tight and right to expand with all of your buildings to the best extent. Having an extra sword in wars is necessary so make sure to call your friends and get them in to help you. A game of patience, mind and above all, a unique one!

Start playing Will of Steel now! Invite the bot to your server and start playing! Learn how to play by clicking here